The Audit and Compliance’s internal audit function provides the University of Tennessee System with objective, independent appraisals of control processes, risk management, and governance as a service to the UT Board and all levels of management. These appraisals help ensure the University’s assets are protected, departments are operating efficiently and effectively, and UT is complying with applicable policies, laws, and regulations. Our role is also to facilitate cost-effective decisions that will support the mission and strategic plan of the University of Tennessee and, through our assurance and consulting activities, to add value to UT’s operations.

The internal auditing profession is governed by standards promulgated by The Institute of Internal Auditors, Inc., which require us to evaluate and contribute to the improvement of governance, risk management, and control processes using a systematic and disciplined approach.

One of our main roles is to reduce the University’s risk, or exposure to loss. Our objectives are to evaluate risk exposures related to the University’s governance, operations, and information systems and to determine the potential for fraud. We also evaluate the adequacy and effectiveness of internal controls (administrative and operational policies, procedures, and practices) in responding to risks, determine compliance with applicable policies and regulations, and make recommendations to strengthen any deficiencies noted. At the conclusion of each engagement, reports are issued to audited parties, senior management, the Audit and Compliance Committee, and the Division of State Audit.