Institutional Compliance has transitioned to a new requirement and risk management software tool, AuditBoard. If you have reached this website, you will no longer be able to access the previous risk assessment and risk management tool. Please remove any favorites or bookmarks for this page. If you need to update risk mitigation plans, you will receive an email with your access instructions.

UT Knoxville

UTK Risk Assessment
2021 UTK ICC Risk Mitigation Plans Review
2021 Risk Mitigation Plans (level 1)
2021 Risk Mitigation Plans (level 2)

UT Chattanooga

UTC Risk Assessment
2020 UTC ICC Risk Mitigation Plans Review
2020 Risk Mitigation Plans (level 1)

UT Martin

UTM Risk Assessment
2019 UTM ICC Risk Mitigation Plans Review
2019 Risk Mitigation Plans (level 1)
2019 Risk Mitigation Plans (level 2)

UT Health Science Center

UTHSC Risk Assessment
2020 UTHSC ICC Risk Mitigation Plans Review
2020 UTHSC Risk Mitigation Plans (level 1)

UT Institute of Agriculture

UTIA Risk Assessment
2018 UTIA ICC Risk Mitigation Plans Review
2018 Risk Mitigation Plans (level 1)

UT Institute for Public Service

IPS Risk Assessment
2023 IPS ICC Risk Mitigation Plans Review
2023 Risk Mitigation Plans (level 1)

UT Space Institute

UTSI Risk Assessment
2022 UTSI ICC Risk Mitigation Plans Review
2022 Risk Mitigation Plans (level 1)

UT Southern

UT Southern Risk Assessment

UT System

UT System Risk Assessment
2022 UT System ICC Risk Mitigation Plans Review
2022 Risk Mitigation Plans (level 1)

Links to internal Institutional Compliance SharePoint web pages: